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Configuring automatic failover for jobtracker high
To configure automatic failover, use the following steps:
1. Add the following properties to mapred-site.xml and copy it to all the nodes
in the cluster:
2. Add the following property to core-site.xml file and copy it to all the nodes
in the cluster:
<value>node3.hcluster:2181, node4.hcluster:2181,
node5.hcluster:2181 </value>
3. Initialize the HA state of the jobtracker in ZooKeeper using one of the following
$ sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-zkfc init
$ sudo -u mapred hadoop mrzkfc -formatZK
4. Enable automatic failover by starting the ZooKeeper failover controller and the
HA jobtracker on the jobtracker nodes using the following commands:
$ sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-zkfc start
$ sudo service hadoop-0.20-mapreduce-jobtrackerha start
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