Database Reference
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If you are adding federation to an existing cluster, that is, if the namenode on
node1.hcluster already exists, and you are adding the new namenode on
node2.hcluster , you only need to format the namenode on
node2.hcluster . You need to make sure that the cluster ID you use when
formatting the namenode on node2.hcluster is the same as the one for the
namenode on node1.hcluster .
6. Start the namenodes on node1.hcluster and node2.hcluster .
The two namenodes should now be ready for use in the cluster. We can verify the
two namenodes by viewing the cluster web console of the federated cluster at the
following URL: http://node1.hcluster:50070/dfscluster-
health.jsp .
As you see in the following screenshot, the two namenodes are listed under the
Namenodes section. This page also gives a summary that displays the storage in-
formation of the cluster.
7. To view the namenode on node1.hcluster , use the following URL: ht-
tp://node1.hcluster:50070/dfshealth.jsp .
The following screenshot displays the summary information for
node1.hcluster . Each namenode will have a common Cluster ID but will
have a unique Block Pool ID .
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