Information Technology Reference
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for load balancing. Typically, you will find routers handling internal traffic and other
routers handling external traffic. Monitoring tools can be installed to monitor traffic
on routers.
Audit objectives for routers might include reviewing:
1. router configuration in order to determine if it is properly configured
2. router security configuration
3. router traffic and load
4. router performance
5. router specifications versus planned standards
6. router installations and connections.
d) Network Switches
Network switches are used to link devices on a network using ports available on a
switch. Switches may have 12, 24, 36, or more Ethernet ports on which computers
and other network devices are plugged. Switches act as a link between devices which
are installed on the network. Some network switches are configured to also perform
routing of traffic on the internal network and also perform intelligent decision-mak-
ing when routing traffic.
Depending on traffic and demand on internal bandwidth, IT management might require
higher specification network switches. For example, memory and processing capa-
city might be a bottleneck on a switch such that IT management might request that
higher memory be installed on the switch or upgrade switches to have higher capa-
city processors. This could also mean replacing the old switches with new high-ca-
pacity switches.
Management should ensure that routers provide high performance on the network. Man-
agement might require IS auditors to review performance of switches, security of
switches, configuration, and efficient setup of VLANs.
e) Network Servers
Network servers are used to provide shared network resources to users. The common
uses of network servers are to provide storage and access to centrally stored data and
information. There are many other functions of network servers.
Servers can also be used to run application systems accessed by thousands, if not mil-
lions, of customers and internal users. Network servers can also be used to run print-
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