Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Month by Month
Carniival Hum
al Humoriina, April
IIvan K
ala, July
SShesshory (
n Kuupala
y (ArttPole
ole) Festiivaal, August
Kookteebel In
el Internatiional J
al Jazz F
z Festiivaal, September
NNew Y
w Year''s E
s Eve, December
Winter bites cold in January and you'll have to wrap up pretty snugly to do
any sightseeing. However, this is a great time to snap on skis in the
Carpathian Mountains.
Orthodox Christmas
Only revived nationally since independence, Ukrainians celebrate Orthodox Christmas ac-
cording to the old Julian Calendar on 7 January. On Christmas Eve families gather for the
12-course meal of Svyata Vecherya (Holy Supper).
Old New Year's Eve
Not only do Ukrainians get to celebrate two Christmases (Catholic and Orthodox), they
also get two stabs at New Year - according to the Julian Calendar Orthodox New Year
falls on 13 January.
Across Ukraine during 18-19 January, deranged individuals can be seen leaping into icy
rivers to celebrate the arrival of Christianity in Kyivan Rus. Kyiv sees the biggest event
with scores of men braving the numbing waters of the Dnipro River.
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