Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
2 Armenian Church D4
3 Cathedral of SS Peter & Paul C2
4 Church of St George B2
5 Dominican Monastery C3
6 Picture Gallery D3
7 Podillya Antiquities Museum D4
8 Polish Gate C2
9 Potters' Tower D3
10 Ratusha C3
11 Ruska Gate C4
12 Russian Magistrate D3
13 St Jehoshaphat's Church C3
14 Vitryani (Windy) Gate D1
15 Bilya Richky C1
16 Hetman D3
17 Reikartz Kamyanets-Podilsky C3
18 Hostynny Dvir D2
19 Kafe Pid Bramoyu B3
20 Stara Fortetsya D3
Drinking & Nightlife
21 Kava Vid Politsmeystera C3
Podilsky Fortress FORTRESS
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