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Carter, S., Mankoff, J., & Heer, J. (2007) Momento:
Support for Situated Ubicomp Experimentation.
In Rosson, M., B. & Gilmore, D., J. (Eds.) CHI ,
(pp. 125-134), San Jose, CA: ACM Press.
Barkhuus, L., Brown, B., Bell, M., Sherwood, S.,
Hall, M., & Chalmers, M. (2008). From Aware-
ness to Repartee: Sharing Location within Social
Groups. In Czerwinski, M., Lund A., M. & Tan,
D., S. (Eds.) CHI , (pp. 497-506), Florence: ACM.
Cheok, A. D., Fong, S. W., Goh, K. H., Yang, X.,
Liu, W., & Farzbiz, F. (2003). Human Pacman: a
sensing-based mobile entertainment system with
ubiquitous computing and tangible interaction. In
Jamin., S. (Ed.) NetGames (pp. 106-117), Red-
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Barkhuus, L., Chalmers, M., Tennent, P., Hall,
M., Bell, M., Sherwood, S., & Brown, B. (2005).
Picking Pockets on the Lawn: The Development
of Tactics and Strategies in a Mobile Game. In
Beigl, M., Intille, S., Rekimoto, J., & Tokuda, H.
(Eds.), Ubicomp (pp. 358-374). Tokyo: Springer.
Consolvo, S., & Walker, M. (2003). Using the Ex-
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Applications. Pervasive Computing , 2 (2), 24-31.
Bell, M. Hall. M., Chalmers, M., Gray, P., Brown,
B. (2006). Domino: Exploring Mobile Collabora-
tive Software Adaptation Proc. Pervasive 200 6.
Dublin, pp. 153-168.
Crabtree, A., Benford, S., Capra, M., Flintham,
M., Drozd, A., & Tandavanitj, N. (2007). The
Cooperative Work of Gaming: Orchestrating a
Mobile SMS Game. CSCW , 16 (1-2), 167-198.
Bell, M., Chalmers, M., Barkhuus, L., Hall, M.,
Sherwood, S., Tennent, P., et al. (2006) Interweav-
ing Mobile Games with Everyday Life. In Olson,
G., M. & Jeffries, R. (Eds.) CHI , (pp. 417-426),
Montreal: ACM Press.
Crabtree, A., Benford, S., Greenhalgh, C., Tennent,
P., Chalmers, M., & Brown, B. (2006) Supporting
Ethnographic Studies of Ubiquitous Computing in
the Wild. In Carroll, J., M. (Ed.) DIS (pp. 60-69)
New York: ACM.
Benford, S., Rowland, D., Flintham, M., Drozd,
A., Hull, R., Reid, J., et al. (2005) Life on the
edge: supporting collaboration in location-based
experiences. In van der Veer, G., C. & Gale, C.
(Eds.) CHI (pp. 721-730), Portland, OR: ACM.
Crabtree, A., Benford, S., Rodden, T., Greenhalgh,
C., Flintham, M., & Anastasi, R. (2004). Orches-
trating a mixed reality game 'on the ground. In
Dykstra-Erickson, E., & Tscheligi, M. (Eds.), CHI
(pp. 391-398). Vienna: ACM.
Benford, S., Seager, W., Flintham, M., Anastasi,
R., Rowland, D., & Humble, J. (2004). The er-
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Crabtree, A., & Rodden, T. (2004). Domestic
Routines and Design for the Home. CSCW , 13 (2),
de Sá, M., Carriço, L., Duarte, L., & Reis, T.
(2008) A framework for mobile evaluation. In In
Czerwinski, M., Lund A., M. & Tan, D., S. (Eds.)
Ext. Abs. CHI (pp. 2673-2678), Florence: ACM.
Carter, S., & Mankoff, J. (2005). Prototypes
in the Wild: Lessons Learned from Evaluating
Three Ubicomp Systems. Pervasive , 4 (4), 51-57.
Demiris, G., Oliver, D., Dickey, G., Skubic, M.,
& Rantz, M. (2007). Findings from a participatory
evaluation of a smart home application for older
adults. Technology and Health Care , 16 , 111-118.
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