Graphics Reference
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Newell, M.E., Newell, R.G., and Sancha, T.L., “A New Approach to the Shaded Picture
Problem”, Proc. ACM National Conference, 1972.
Roberts, L.G., “Machine Perception of Three Dimensional Solids,” Lincoln Laboratory, TR
315, MIT, Cambridge, MA, May 1963. Also in Tippet, J.T., et al., editors, Optical and Electro-
Optical Information Processing , MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1964, 159-197.
Schumacker, R.A., Brand, B., Gilliland, M., and Sharp, W., Study for Applying Computer-Gen-
erated Images to Visual Simulation , Technical Report AFHRL-TR-69-14, NTIS AD700375, U.S.
Air Force Human Resources Lab., Air Force Systems Command, Brooks AFB, TX, Septem-
ber 1969.
Sutherland, I.E., Sproull, R.F., and Schumacker, R.A., “A Characterization of Ten Hidden
Surface Algorithms,” ACM Computing Surveys, 6 (1), March 1974, 1-55. Also in [BeaB82].
Warnock, J., A Hidden-Surface Algorithm for Computer Generated Half-Tone Pictures , Techni-
cal Report TR 4-15, NTIS AD-753 671, Computer Science Department, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, UT, June 1969.
Watkins, G.S., A Real Time Visible Surface Algorithm , Ph.D. thesis, Technical Report UTEC-
CSc-70-101, NTIS AD-762 004, Computer Science Department, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, UT, June 1970.
Weiler, K., and Atherton, P., “Hidden Surface Removal Using Polygon Area Sorting,” SIG-
GRAPH 77, 11 (2), Summer, 1977, 214-222. Also in [JGMH88], 209-217.
Banchoff, Thomas F., Beyond the Third Dimension: Geometry, Computer Graphics, and Higher
Dimensions , Scientific American Library, 1996.
Gunn, Charlie, “Discrete Groups and Visualization of Three-Dimensional Manifolds,” SIG-
GRAPH 93, August 1993, 255-262.
Hanson, Andrew J., and Heng, Pheng A., “Illuminating the Fourth Dimension,” CG&A, 12 (4),
July 1992, 54-62.
Hanson, Andrew J., Munzner, Tamara, and Francis, George, “Interactive Methods for
Visualizable Geometry,” Computer, 27 (7), July 1994, 73-83.
Weeks, J., “Hyperbolic Structures on 3-Manifolds,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University,
Volume Rendering
Cohen-Or, Daniel, and Kaufman, Arie, “3D Line Voxelization and Connectivity Control,”
CG&A, 17 (6), November/December 1997, 80-87.
Drebin, Robert A., Carpenter, Loren, and Hanrahan, Pat, “Volume Rendering,” Computer
Graphics, 22 (4), August 1988, 65-74.
Elvins, T. Todd, “A Survey of Algorithms for Volume Visualization,” Computer Graphics, 26 (3),
August 1992, 194-201.
Fujishiro, Issei, Takeshima, Yuriko, Azuma, Taeko, and Takahashi, Shigeo, “Volume Data
Mining Using 3D Field Topology Analysis,” CG&A, 20 (5), September/October 2000, 46-51.
Kalvin, A.D., “A Survey of Algorithms for Constructing Surfaces from 3D Volume Data,” IBM
Research Report RC 17600 (#77606), IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY, January 1992.
Kaufman, Arie, Organizer, Advances in Volume Visualization , Course Notes, Volume 24, SIG-
GRAPH 98, July 1998.
Kaufman, Arie, Cohen, Daniel, and Yagel, Roni, “Volume Graphics,” Computer, 26 (7), July
1993, 51-64.
Lacroute, P., and Levoy, Marc, “Fast Volume Rendering Using a Shear-Warp Factorization of
the Viewing Transformation,” SIGGRAPH 94, July 1994, 451-458.
Levoy, Marc, “Display of Surfaces from Volume Data,” CG&A, 8 (3), May 1988, 29-37.
Levoy, Marc, “A Hybrid Ray Tracer for Rendering Polygon and Volume Data,” CG&A, 10 (2),
March 1990, 33-40.
Lichtenbelt, Barthold, Crane, Randy, and Naqvi, Shaz, Introduction to Volume Rendering ,
Prentice Hall PTR, 1998.
Lorensen, William E., and Cline, Harvey E., “Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface
Construction Algorithm,” SIGGRAPH 87, 21 (4), July 1987, 163-169.
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