Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Barr, Alan H., editor, Topics in Physically Based Modeling , Addison-Wesley, 1989.
Barzel, Ronen, Physically-Based Modeling for Computer Graphics , Academic Press, 1992.
Kass, Michael, and Baraff, David, Organizers, An Introduction to Physically Based Modeling ,
Course Notes, Volume 60, SIGGRAPH 93, August 1993.
Polygonization Algorithms
(See also Implicit Curves and Surfaces)
Cuillière, J.C., “An Adaptive Method for the Automatic Triangulation of 3D Parametric
Surfaces,” CAD, 30 (2), February 1998, 139-150.
Dey, Tamal K., Sugihara, Kokichi, and Bajaj, Chanderjit, “Triangulations in Three Dimensions
with Finite Precision Arithmetic,” Technical Report CSD-TR-92-001, Comp. Science Dept.,
Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Indiana, 47907-1398, USA, January 1992.
Filip, Daniel J., “Adaptive Subdivision Algorithms for a Set of Bézier Triangles,” CAD, 18 (2),
March 1986, 74-78.
Von Herzen, B., and Barr, A.H., “Accurate Triangulations of Deformed, Intersecting Surfaces,”
SIGGRAPH 87, 21 (4), July 1987, 103-110.
Hironaka, H., “Triangulations of Algebraic Sets,” in Algebraic Geometry, ARCATA 1974 , Proc.
of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, AMS, Providence, R.I., 1975.
Lindgren, Terence, Sanchez, Juan, and Hall, Jim, “Curve Tessellation Criteria Through
Sampling,” in [Kirk92], 262-265.
Schumaked, Larry L., “Triangulations in CAGD,” CG&A, 13 (1), January 1993, 47-52.
Shimada, Kenji, and Gossard, David C., “Bubble Mesh: Automated Triangular Meshing of
Non-Manifold Geometry by Sphere Packing,” in [HofR95], 409-419.
Stander, Barton T., and Hart, John C., “Guaranteeing the Topology of an Implicit Surface
Polygonization for Interactive Modeling,” SIGGRAPH 97, August 1997, 279-286.
Velho, L., De Figueiredo, L.H., and Gomes, J., “A Unified Approach for Hierarchical Adaptive
Tessellation of Surfaces,” TOG, 18 (4), October 1999, 329-360.
Zheng, Jianmin, and Sederberg, Thomas W., “Estimating Tessellation Parameter Intervals for
Rational Curves and Surfaces,” TOG, 19 (1), January 2000, 56-77.
Projective Geometry and Transformations
Eggar, M.H., “Pinhole Cameras, Perspective, and Projective Geometry,” Amer. Math. Monthly,
105 (7), August-September 1998, 618-630.
Penna, M.A., and Patterson, R.R., Projective Geometry and its Applications to Computer
Graphics , Prentice-Hall, 1986.
Barr, A.H., “Superquadrics and Angle-Preserving Transformations,” CG&A, 1 (1), January
Barr, A.H., “Rigid Physically Based Superquadrics,” in [Kirk92], 137-159.
Goldman, Ronald N., “Quadrics of Revolution,” CG&A, 3 (3), March/April 1983, 68-76.
Baez, John C., “The Octonions,” Bull. of the AMS, 39 (2), April 2002, 145-205.
Barr, Alan H., Currin, Bena, Gabriel, Steven, and Hughes, John F., “Smooth Interpolation of
Orientations with Angular Velocity Constraints Using Quaternions,” SIGGRAPH 92, 26 (2),
July 1992, 313-320.
Brady, Michael, “Trajectory Planning,” in Robot Motion: Planning and Control , edited by
Michael Brady, John M. Hollerbach, Timothy L. Johnson, Tomas Lozano-Perez, and Matthew
T. Mason, The MIT Press, 1982.
Brou, Philippe, “Using the Gaussian Image to Find the Orientation of Objects,” The
International Journal of Robotics Research, 3 (4), Winter, 1984, 89-125.
Courant, R., and Hilbert, D., Methods of Mathematical Physics, Volume I , Interscience
Publishers, Inc., New York, 1953.
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