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For example, the “point” • is always an attractive fixed point of the map f c defined
by equation (22.2), so that we always have a basin of attraction in this case which we
shall denote by A(f c ,•). It turns out that for some values of c (for example, for c with
| c | much smaller than 1) there is a second attractive fixed point and that for other values
of c (for example, for c with | c | much larger than 1) • is the only attractive fixed point.
With regard to the case c = 0.31 + 0.04 i and Figure 22.2, there is one finite attractive
fixed point and its basin of attraction is the interior of the black region in the figure.
One can show that A(f, p ) is invariant under f. Some basic questions in the theory
of dynamical systems are:
(1) What does the boundary of A(f, p ) look like?
(2) How “nice” a set is this boundary?
(3) What is its dimension?
Except for certain special cases such as the Julia set J c =∂A(f c ,•), few answers are
known in general. Usually the only way to get some information is via approximation.
Let A = A(f, p ). No point of ∂ A can converge to p , but points arbitrarily close to ∂ A
will. Furthermore, roughly speaking, the closer a point is to ∂ A , the longer it will take
to converge to p . Thus what one can do is to take small disks D around p and ask
which points will end up in D after k iterations. Let us call this set A k . It is an approx-
imation for A . The larger k, the better the approximation. The “level sets”
L k
=- -
AA 1
are approximations to ∂ A .
The set
() Æ•
as k
is called the Mandelbrot set .
See Figure 22.3. Today there are probably very few people, if any, who work with
computers who have not seen some of the beautiful computer-generated images of
Figure 22.3.
The Mandelbrot set.
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