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The case H(A) = [0,0] is usually best handled with the function F, because for isotone
functions no intervals B Õ A would ever be accepted. On the other hand, there are
functions, like w(A) < d, which are not isotone.
Algorithm 18.4.1 is a generic solution to the constraint solution problem. Variants
of the algorithm are useful in certain cases.
18.4.1 Theorem. If Algorithm 18.4.1 does not find a solution, then there is not one.
Also, the constraint solution algorithm converges to the actual solution if inclusion
functions in the equality and inequality constraint are convergent.
See [Snyd92].
Some issues addressed in [Snyd92] regarding the use of Algorithm 18.4.1 are
interval list function ConstraintSolution ( inclusion function F, inclusion function H,
interval A)
{ F is the inclusion function for a constraint function f. H is the inclusion function
for an solution acceptance set constraint function. }
interval list S;
{ the solutions }
interval list L;
B, B 1 , B 2 ;
S := f;
L := ( A );
while not (Empty (L)) do
B := AnyElementOf (L);
case F (B) of
[1,1] : Insert (B,S);
[0,0] : ; { Discard B }
[0,1] : if H (B) = [1,1]
then Insert (B,S)
Subdivide (B,B 1 ,B 2 ); { Subdivides the interval B }
Insert (B 1 ,B 2 ,L);
end ;
return S;
end ;
Algorithm 18.4.1.
The constraint solution algorithm.
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