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Figure 17.16.
A Delaunay triangulation.
Figure 17.17.
A nontriangular face of a Delaunay cell complex.
Definition. Let S be a finite set of points (sites) in the plane. The Delaunay graph
of S is the graph with vertex set S and whose edges are defined by the condition that
two vertices are connected by an edge if and only if the Voronoi cells associated
to those vertices share a common edge. The Delaunay cell complex of S is the two-
dimensional cell complex defined by the condition that its vertices and edges are the
vertices and edges of the Delaunay graph of S . The 2-cells are called the faces of the
Delaunay cell complex. By subdividing the faces of the Delaunay cell complex into tri-
angles, if they are not that already, one obtains a two-dimensional simplicial complex
called a Delaunay triangulation of S .
Figure 17.16 shows the Delaunay cell complex associated to the Voronoi diagram
in Figure 17.14. As we can see, it is in fact a Delaunay triangulation. Figure 17.17
shows a Delaunay cell complex defined by the four sites marked by circles. It consists
of a single face that is a quadrilateral and not a triangle. It admits two Delaunay
triangulations. Now, the fact that we always do get a real cell complex needs some
justification, which is provided by the properties of the Delaunay graph listed in the
following theorem.
The Delaunay graph for a set S satisfies the following properties:
(1) The Delaunay graph G is the “dual graph” of the Voronoi diagram D in the
sense that a Voronoi cell in D becomes a vertex in G, an edge e in D defines an edge
in G between the two vertices in G that correspond to the Voronoi cells that have e
in common, and a vertex v in D defines the (triangular) region bounded by edges of
G which connect the Voronoi cells that have v in common. (Compare this to the
barycentric subdivision of a simplicial complex.)
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