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arate X and Y . The sets are said to be strictly linearly separable if X Õ i H ( p ,- n ) and
Y Õ i H ( p , n ) and the hyperplane is said to strictly separate X and Y in this case.
Spaces that are strictly linearly separable are clearly disjoint. Spaces that are lin-
early separable may not be, but their intersection will be contained in the boundary
of the spaces if they are both n-dimensional. For example, the squares [0,1] ¥ [0,1]
and [1,2] ¥ [0,1] are linearly separable (using the hyperplane P ((1,0),(1,0))) even
though their intersection, the line segment 1 ¥ [0,1], is nonempty.
Let n ΠR n . If p ΠR n , then define the projection of p along n , n ( p ), by
() =
If S Õ R n , then the projection of S along n , n ( S ), is the subset of R defined by
() =
np p S
Note that the projection of a convex set is an interval.
Some of the results that follow have a hypothesis that certain affine hulls are n-
dimensional (for example, the set S in Theorem 17.5.1). We do this only to keep the
statement of the results as simple as possible. If the hypothesis were not to hold we
basically have a lower-dimensional problem that could also be handled easily.
17.5.1 Theorem. Let p 1 , p 2 ,..., p s and q 1 , q 2 ,..., q t be points in R n . Let X = p 1 p 2
... p s and Y = q 1 q 2... q t . Assume that the affine hull of S = { p 1 , p 2 ,..., p s , q 1 , q 2 ,..., q t }
has dimension n. The following two statements are equivalent:
(1) The convex hulls X and Y are linearly separable.
(2) There are linearly independent points r 1 , r 2 ,..., r n in S so that if n is any
nonzero normal vector to the hyperplane that they generate, then the inter-
vals n ( X ) and n ( Y ) intersect in at most one point.
Proof. To show that (2) implies (1), assume that n ( X ) = [a,b] and n ( Y ) = [c,d] inter-
sect in at most one point for some vector n . Without loss of generality assume that b
£ c. Let p be a vertex of X so that n ( p ) = b. Clearly, P ( p , n ) is a separating plane for
X and Y .
It remains to show that (1) implies (2). This is the nontrivial part of the theorem.
We begin by looking at the special cases of where n is 1 or 2.
Case n = 1: The convex hulls X and Y in this case are just intervals [a,b] and
[c,d]. We need to show that if they are linearly separable by a hyperplane P ( p , n ) (a
point in this case) then n ( X ) = [ka,kb] and n ( Y ) = [kc,kd] are either disjoint or meet
in at most one point, where k =| n |. This is clear.
Case n = 2: This is the interesting case in that its proof will show what one wants
to do in general. Suppose that X and Y are linearly separable via a line L = P ( p , n ). Let
e = n ( p ). It is easy to see that n ( X ) Õ (-•,e] and n ( Y ) Õ [e,+•), so that n ( X ) and n ( Y )
can have at most the endpoint e in common. If L contains two distinct vertices from X
and Y , then we are done. Otherwise, consider the case where L is disjoint from X and
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