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Figure 17.3.
Checking endpoints of L left (T).
procedure IntervalTreeQuery ( interval tree T, real c)
if NotALeaf (T) then
if c < c mid (T)
Beginning with the leftmost interval in L left (T) move right
reporting all intervals that contain c and stop at the first
interval that does not;
IntervalTreeQuery (LeftSubtree (T),c);
Beginning with the rightmost interval in L right (T) move left
reporting all intervals that contain c and stop at the first
interval that does not;
IntervalTreeQuery (RightSubtree (T),c);
end ;
Algorithm 17.3.1.
The interval tree query algorithm.
that a range tree is a good data structure for that. Therefore, we replace the lists L left (T)
and L right (T) in T with range trees R left (T) and R right (T) determined from the left and
right endpoints of I mid , respectively. The only change that has to be made in Algorithm
17.3.1 for querying an interval tree is that instead of traversing the lists L left (T) and
L right (T) we make queries on the corresponding range tree.
Summarizing, we get
17.3.2 Theorem. Let S be a set of n horizontal segments in the plane. If k of these
intersect a vertical segment, then they can be reported in time O(log 2 2 n + k) using a
data structure that uses O(n log 2 n) space and which can be built in time O(n log 2 n).
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