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a convex surface S with n faces
a vertex s of S called the start point
a node tree T
node = quadruple ( e , f , p ,proj s , e ), where
e is an edge of the face f in the surface S ,
p is a point in the plane of f that is an unfolding of s ,
proj s , e is a subset of e that is a shadow of s
node tree T;
integer i;
e ¢;
point set
X ;
Initialize T to consist of simply a root that is a dummy node;
for all faces f that have s as vertex do
for all edges e of fdo Insert ( e , f , s , e ) as child of root of T;
for i:=1 to n do
for all leaves N=( e , f , p ,proj s , e ) of T at ith level do
Let f ¢ be the other face (π f ) containing the edge e ;
Let e1 and e2 be the edges of f ¢ other than e ;
Unfold p to p ¢ in the plane of f ¢;
for e ¢:= e1 , e2 do
X := proj ( p ¢,proj s , e , e ¢);
if X πf then Insert the node ( e ¢, f ¢, p ¢, X ) into T as a child of N;
end ;
return T;
A convex surface edge sequence algorithm.
The tree built by Algorithm is called the edge sequence tree for S with
respect to the start point s . The reason for the name is that every path from the root
to a node in the tree defines an edge sequence for geodesics from s to a point p in the
node's shadow of s . These geodesics are not necessarily shortest paths but there is a
unique geodesic with that edge sequence from s to every point in the node's shadow
of s . To find the shortest path from s to an arbitrary point p in S one would first find
all the nodes N in the tree, so that p is in the shadow of s in N. These nodes would
define unique geodesics to p . We would simply select the shortest of those and that
would be the shortest path from s to p .
We now have a correct algorithm for finding shortest paths. The only problem is
that the edge sequence tree might be exponential in size. Figure 15.9(a) shows how
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