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P(p,n) denotes the plane through p with normal vector n.
Given a vector n, n(X) denote the set {n · x | xe X}
boolean function AreDisjoint ( point set X, Y)
{ The function returns true if conv
(X) and conv(Y) are disjoint and false otherwise.
We assume that the affine hull of the points in X and Y has dimension 3. }
integer itp;
point p, q; vector n1, n2;
point set X1, Y1;
itp := SpaceProjectionType (X,Y,p,n1);
case itp of
0 : return ( false );
{ Sets intersect }
1 : return ( true );
{ Sets are disjoint }
2 : begin
X1 := X « P(p,n1); Y1 := Y « P(p,n1);
itp := PlanarProjectionType (X1,Y1,p,n1,q,n2);
case itp of
0 : return ( false );
{ Sets intersect }
1 : return ( true );
{ Sets are disjoint }
2 : begin
X1 := X1 « P(q,n2); Y1 := Y1« P(q,n2);
itp := LinearProjectionType (X1,Y1,q,n1,n2);
return (itp = 0);
end ;
integer function SpaceProjectionType ( point set X, Y; ref point p; ref vector n)
{ Inputs:
subsets X = (p1,p2,º,ps) and Y = (q1,q2,º,qt) of R 3
point p and normal vector for a plane P
function returns an integer:
0 - convex hulls of X and Y intersect
1 - convex hulls of X and Y are disjoint
2 - conv(X) « conv(Y) lies in P(p,n)
point set S;
m, itp, i, j, k;
S := X » Y; { S = (p1,p2,º,ps,q1,q2,º,qt) = (s1,s2,º,sm) }
m := s + t; itp := 0;
Algorithm 13.2.1.
Algorithm for when convex sets are disjoint.
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