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Figure 11.40.
Parallel transport
frames (T,n 1 ,n 2 ).
q i be the angle between T(t i-1 ) and T(t i ) and let w i = T(t i-1 ) ¥ T(t i ) be the unit vector
that is orthogonal to the plane generated by T(t i-1 ) and T(t i ). Then F(t i ) =
(T(t i ),n 1 (t i ),n 2 (t i )) is the frame obtained by rotating (T(t i-1 ),n 1 (t i-1 ),n 2 (t i-1 )) about w i
through an angle q i . See Figure 11.40.
To describe the mathematics behind this algorithm we need to use some facts
about frame fields on R 3 and along curves. For the rest of this section we shall assume
] Æ R 3
is a regular space curve.
Definition. A vector field along the curve p(t) is a vector-valued function X : [a,b] Æ
R 3 . The vector field X is tangential or normal to p(t) if the vectors X (t) and p¢(t) are
parallel or orthogonal, respectively, for all t.
Definition. A normal vector field X along the curve p(t) is said to be relatively par-
allel to p(t) if X ¢(t) is a tangential vector field.
In the case of a relatively parallel normal vector field X the fact that X X ¢=0
implies that the vectors X (t) have constant length. Although the next fact is not needed
here, it is an interesting connection to parallel curves that is worth making.
11.13.1 Theorem. A normal vector field X is relatively parallel to p(t) if and only
if p(t) and q(t) = p(t) + X(t) are parallel curves.
See [Bish75].
The next lemma answers the question as to whether relatively parallel normal
vector fields exist.
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