Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Assume that the world has been transformed to the coordinate system in which the
pixels on the screen correspond to the integer coordinate points of the rectangle
[XMIN,XMAX] ¥ [YMIN,YMAX] ¥ 0 and we are doing an orthogonal projection
(the camera is at -• on the z-axis). The function Depth( p ) returns the z-coordinate
of the point p , and ix p will denote the x-coordinate of p rounded to the nearest
color array COLOR[XMIN..XMAX]; { holds color of pixels on current scan line }
real array DEPTH[XMIN..XMAX]; { holds z-value of point nearest to eye }
for iy:=YMIN to YMAX do
{ for each scan line of the screen }
Initialize COLOR to the background color;
Initialize DEPTH to •;
for each projected face F do
if F intersects the plane y = iy then
Let L be the line segment which is this intersection;
for each p ΠL do
if Depth ( p ) < DEPTH [ix p ] then
COLOR [ix p ] := color of S;
DEPTH [ix p ] := Depth ( p );
end ;
Display COLOR;
end ;
Algorithm 7.7.2.
A scan line Z-buffer algorithm.
Figure 7.8.
Z-buffer spans.
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