Graphics Reference
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{ Global variables }
real list SBL; { an ordered list of distinct reals thought of as a stack}
bound pair list LML; { a list of pairs of matching polygon bounds }
edge list
AEL; { a list of nonhorizontal edges ordered by x-intercept
with the current scan line}
polygon list
{ the finished output polygons are stored here as algorithm
progresses }
polygon list function Vatti_Clip ( polygon subjectP; polygon clipP)
{ The polygon subjectP is clipped against the polygon clipP.
The list of polygons which are the intersection of subjectP and clipP is returned to the
calling procedure. }
real yb, yt;
Initialize LML, SBL to empty;
{ Define LML and the initial SBL }
UpdateLMLandSBL (subjectP, subject );
{ subject and clip specify a subject }
{ or clip polygon, respectively }
UpdateLMLandSBL (clipP, clip );
Initialize PL, AEL to empty;
yb := PopSBL ();
{ bottom of current scan beam }
AddNewBoundPairs (yb);
{ modifies AEL and SBL }
yt := PopSBL ();
{ top of current scan beam }
ProcessIntersections (yb,yt);
ProcessEdgesInAEL (yb,yt);
yb := yt;
until Empty (SBL);
return (PL);
end ;
The Vatti polygon-clipping algorithm.
We introduce some more terminology. Some edges and vertices that one encoun-
ters or creates for the output polygons will belong to the bounds of the clipped
polygon, others will not. Let us call a vertex or an edge a contributing or noncon-
tributing vertex or edge depending on whether or not it belongs to the output poly-
gons. With regard to vertices, if a vertex is not a local minimum or maximum, then
it will be called a left or right intermediate vertex depending on whether it belongs to
a left or right bound, respectively. Because the overall algorithm proceeds by taking
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