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number of characters to look-ahead through. This "horizon" value is
treated as a transparent, non-anchoring bound (see the Matcher class for
details Section 13.3.4 on page 329 ). A horizon of zero means there is no
look-ahead limit.
The skip method can be used to skip over the input that matches a given
pattern. As with findInLine and findWithinHorizon , it ignores the scan-
ner's delimiters when looking for the pattern. The skipped input is not
returned, rather skip returns the scanner itself so that invocations can
be chained together.
Exercise 22.7 : Rewrite readCSVTable so that the number of cells of data
expected is passed as an argument.
Exercise 22.8 : As it stands, readCSVTable is both too strict and too le-
nient on the input format it expects. It is too strict because an empty
line at the end of the input will cause the IOException to be thrown. It is
too lenient because a line of input with more than three commas will not
cause an exception. Rectify both of these problems.
Exercise 22.9 : Referring back to the discussion of efficiency of regular
expressions on page 329 , devise at least four patterns that will parse a
line of comma-separated-values. (Hint: In addition to the suggestion on
page 329 also consider the use of greedy versus non-greedy quantifi-
ers.) Write a benchmark program that compares the efficiency of each
pattern, and be sure that you test with both short strings between com-
mas and very long strings.
22.5.3. Using Scanner
Scanner and StreamTokenizer have some overlap in functionality, but they
have quite different operational models. Scanner is based on regular ex-
pressions and so can match tokens based on whatever regular expres-
sions you devise. However, some seemingly simple tasks can be difficult
to express in terms of regular expression patterns. On the other hand,
StreamTokenizer basically processes input a character at a time and uses
the defined character classes to identify words, numbers, whitespace,
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