Java Reference
In-Depth Information
2.2. Fields
A class's variables are called fields; the Body class's name and orbits vari-
ables are examples. A field declaration consists of a type name followed
by the field name and optionally an initialization clause to give the field
an initial value. Every Body object has its own specific instances of three
fields: a long that uniquely identifies the body from all others, a String
that is its name, and a reference to another Body around which it orbits.
Giving each separate object a different instance of the fields means that
each object has its own unique statesuch fields are known as instance
variables. Changing the orbits field in one Body object does not affect the
orbits field in any other Body object.
Field declarations can also be preceded by modifiers that control certain
properties of the field:
annotations Annotations and annotation types are discussed in
Chapter 15 .
access modifiers These are discussed in Section 2.3 on page 47 .
static This is discussed below.
final This is discussed below.
transient This relates to object serialization and is discussed in
Section 20.8 on page 549 .
volatile This relates to synchronization and memory model issues
and is discussed in Section 14.10 on page 370 .
A field cannot be both final and volatile .
When multiple modifiers are applied to the same field declaration, we re-
commend using the order listed above.
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