Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The methods of Observable use synchronization to ensure consistency
when concurrent access to the object occurs. For example, one thread
can be trying to add an observer while another is trying to remove one
and a third is effecting a change on the Observable object. While syn-
chronization is necessary for maintaining the observer list and making
changes to the "changed" flag, no synchronization lock should be held
when the update method of the observers is invoked. Otherwise it would
be very easy to create deadlocks. The default implementation of noti-
fyObservers takes a synchronized snapshot of the current observer list
before invoking update . This means that an observer that is removed
while notifyObservers is still in progress will still be notified of the last
change. Conversely, an observer that is added while notifyObservers is
still in progress will not be notified of the current change. If the Observ-
able object allows concurrent invocations of methods that generate no-
tifications, it is possible for update to be called concurrently on each Ob-
server object. Consequently, Observer objects must use appropriate syn-
chronization within update to ensure proper operation.
The default implementation of notifyObservers uses the invoking thread
to invoke update on each observer. The order in which observers are no-
tified is not specified. A subclass could specialize notifyObservers to use
a different threading model, and/or to provide ordering guarantees.
The following example illustrates how Observer / Observable might be used
to monitor users of a system. First, we define a Users class that is Ob-
servable :
import java.util.*;
public class Users extends Observable {
private Map<String, UserState> loggedIn =
new HashMap<String, UserState>();
public void login(String name, String password)
throws BadUserException
if (!passwordValid(name, password))
throw new BadUserException(name);
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