Java Reference
In-Depth Information
2.1.1. Class Members
A class can have three kinds of members:
Fields are the data variables associated with a class and its ob-
jects and hold the state of the class or object.
Methods contain the executable code of a class and define the be-
havior of objects.
Nested classes and nested interfaces are declarations of classes
or interfaces that occur nested within the declaration of another
class or interface.
In this chapter we concentrate on the basic members: fields and meth-
ods. Nested members are discussed in Chapter 5 .
2.1.2. Class Modifiers
A class declaration can be preceded by class modifiers that give the class
certain properties:
annotations Annotations and annotation types are discussed in
Chapter 15 .
public A public class is publicly accessible: Anyone can declare
references to objects of the class or access its public members.
Without a modifier a class is only accessible within its own pack-
age. You'll learn about general access control in Section 2.3 on
page 47 . Packages and related accessibility issues of classes and
members are discussed in Chapter 18 .
abstract An abstract class is considered incomplete and no in-
stances of the class may be created. Usually this is because the
class contains abstract methods that must be implemented by a
subclass. You'll learn about this in " Abstract Classes and Meth-
ods " on page 97 .
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