Java Reference
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22.1. Formatter
The Formatter class allows you to control the way in which primitive val-
ues and objects are represented as text. The common way to represent
objects or values as text is to convert the object or value to a string, us-
ing either the toString method of the object or the toString method of the
appropriate wrapper class. This is often done implicitly, either through
use of string concatenation or by invoking a particular overload of the
PrintStream or PrintWriterprint methods. This is easy and convenient, but
it doesn't give you any control over the exact form of the string. For ex-
ample, if you invoke
System.out.println("The value of Math.PI is " + Math.PI);
the output is
The value of Math.PI is 3.141592653589793
This is correct and informative, but it might provide more detail than the
reader really needs to see, or more than you have room to show. Using
a formatter you can control the format of the converted text, such as re-
stricting the value to only three decimal places, or padding the converted
string with spaces so that it occupies a minimum width regardless of the
actual value being converted. All of these operations are possible starting
from the result of toString , but it is much easier to have a formatter do
it for you.
The primary method of a Formatter object is the format method. In its
simplest form it takes a format string followed by a sequence of argu-
ments, which are the objects and values you want to format. For con-
venience the PrintStream and PrintWriter classes provide a printf meth-
od (for "print formatted") that takes the same arguments as format and
passes them through to an associated Formatter instance. We use the Sys-
tem.out.printf method to demonstrate how format strings are used.
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