Java Reference
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No analogue. If newSize is less than the current size, extra
data is dropped. If newSize is larger than the current size, any
added elements are null .
public final int capacity()
No analogue. Returns the current capacity of the vector.
In addition to these public methods, protected fields are available to
classes that subclass the Vector class. Be careful what you do (if any-
thing) with these fields because, for example, methods in Vector rely on
elementCount being less than or equal to the length of the elementData ar-
protected Object[] elementData
The buffer where elements are stored.
protected int elementCount
The number of elements currently used in the buffer.
protected int capacityIncrement
The number of elements to add to the capacity when ele-
mentData runs out of space. If zero, the size of the buffer is
doubled every time it needs to grow.
21.15.3. Stack
The Stack<E> class extends Vector<E> to add methods for a simple last-
in-first-out stack of objects. Use push to push an object onto the stack
and use pop to remove the top element from the stack. The peek method
returns the top item on the stack without removing it. The empty method
returns TRue if the stack is empty. Trying to pop or peek in an empty Stack
object will throw an EmptyStackException .
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