Java Reference
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of the size and iterator methods. This means you must at least write
an implementation of Iterator for your collection. If your collection is
modifiable, you must also override the default implementation of the add
method (which throws UnsupportedOperationException ) and your iterator
must support remove .
AbstractSet extends AbstractCollection , and the methods you must im-
plement and can override are the same, with the additional constraint
that a subclass of AbstractSet must conform to the contract of the Set
interface. It also overrides the implemention of equals and hashCode from
Object .
AbstractQueue has the same requirements as AbstractCollection , with the
additional requirements that you must implement offer , poll , and peek .
AbstractList requires you to implement only size and get(int) to define
an unmodifiable list class. If you also override set(int,Object) you will
get a modifiable list, but one whose size cannot change. Your list can
change size if you also override the methods add(int,Object) and re-
move(int) .
For example, suppose you need to view a bunch of arrays as a single list.
You could use one of the existing List implementations, but at the cost
of copying the information each time from the arrays into a new collec-
tion. You could instead subclass AbstractList to create an ArrayBunchList
type that lets you do this without copying:
public class ArrayBunchList<E> extends AbstractList<E> {
private final E[][] arrays;
private final int size;
public ArrayBunchList(E[][] arrays) {
this.arrays = arrays.clone();
int s = 0;
for (E[] array : arrays)
s += array.length;
size = s;
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