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capacity, not even a capacity of one, so you cannot peek into a
synchronous queue, nor can you iterate through it. From the per-
spective of most of the collection methods a synchronous queue
acts like an empty collection.
DelayQueue A specialized unbounded blocking queue of Delayed ele-
ments. The Delayed interface has a single method, getdelay , which
takes a TimeUnit constant and returns the delay in that time unit.
A Delayed element cannot be removed from a DelayQueue until its
delay has expired. The head of a delay queue is that element
whose delay expired furthest in the past. If no elements have a
delay that has passed then the head is null . It provides an iterat-
or that is thread-safe but fail-fast.
In addition to the thread-safe blocking queues, java.util.concurrent
provides a number of other concurrent collections.
ConcurrentHashMap provides a hash map implementation that allows for
fully concurrent retrievals and up to a set number of concurrent inser-
tions. Although all operations are thread-safe, they do not involve lock-
ing, and there is no way to externally synchronize the map to provide
atomic sequences of operations. Because of this, some extra support
is needed to do things like inserting a value in the map only if it is
not present. The ConcurrentMap<K,V> interface, implemented by Concur-
rentHashMap , defines a number of such methods:
public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value)
Atomically stores the given value in the map only if a mapping
for key does not currently exist. The old value mapped to key
is returned, or null if the key was not presentbut be aware
that null may be a legitimate value for some maps. (Optional
if the map does not support put )
public boolean remove(Object key, Object value)
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