Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The java.util package provides two implementations of ListArrayList
and LinkedList .
21.6.1. ArrayList
ArrayList is a good basic list implementation that stores its elements
in an underlying array. Adding and removing elements at the end is
very simple 0 (1). Getting the element at a specific position is also 0 (1).
Adding and removing elements from the middle is more expensive 0 ( n-
i ) where n is the size of the list and i is the position of the element
being removed. Adding or removing the element requires copying the
remainder of the array one position up or down.
An ArrayList has a capacity, which is the number of elements it can hold
without allocating new memory for a larger array. As you add elements
they are stored in the array, but when room runs out, a replacement
array must be allocated. Setting your initial capacity correctly can im-
prove performance. If the initial size of the data is significantly smaller
than its final size, setting the initial capacity to a larger value reduces
the number of times the underlying array must be replaced with a larger
copy. Setting the size too large can waste space.
ArrayList has three constructors:
public ArrayList()
Creates a new ArrayList with a default capacity.
public ArrayList(int initialCapacity)
Creates a new ArrayList that initially can store initialCapacity
elements without resizing.
public ArrayList(Collection<? extends E> coll)
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