Java Reference
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to know the order in which to invoke get you can use get or put to access
fields in any order any number of times.
20.8.7. The Externalizable Interface
The Externalizable interface extends Serializable . A class that imple-
ments Externalizable takes complete control over its serialized state, as-
suming responsibility for all the data of its superclasses, any versioning
issues, and so on. You may need this, for example, when a repository
for serialized objects mandates restrictions on the form of those objects
that are incompatible with the provided serialization mechanism. The
Externalizable interface has two methods:
public interface Externalizable extends Serializable {
void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
throws IOException;
void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;
These methods are invoked when the object is serialized and deserial-
ized, respectively. They are normal public methods, so the exact type of
the object determines which implementation will be used. Subclasses of
an externalizable class will often need to invoke their superclass's imple-
mentation before serializing or deserializing their own statein contrast
to classes that use normal serialization.
You should note that the methods of the interface are public and so
can be invoked by anyone at anytime. In particular, a malicious pro-
gram might invoke readExternal to make an object overwrite its state
from some serialized stream, possibly with invented content. If you are
designing classes where such security counts you have to take this into
account either by not using Externalizable or by writing your readExtern-
al method to be only invoked once, and never at all if the object was
created via one of your constructors.
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