Java Reference
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+ src.getAbsolutePath());
System.out.println("getCanonicalPath() = "
+ src.getCanonicalPath());
System.out.println("getParent() = " + src.getParent());
And here is the output:
getName() =
getPath() = ../ok/
getAbsolutePath() = /vob/java_prog/src/../ok/
getCanonicalPath() = /vob/java_prog/ok/
getParent() = ../ok
The canonical path is defined by each system. Usually, it is a form of
the absolute path with relative components (such as ".." to refer to the
parent directory) renamed and with references to the current directory
removed. Unlike the other "get" methods, getCanonicalPath can throw
IOException because resolving path components can require calls to the
underlying file system, which may fail.
The methods getParentFile , getAbsoluteFile , and getCanonicalFile are
analogous to getParent , getAbsolutePath , and getCanonicalPath , but they
return File objects instead of strings.
You can convert a File to a or object by invok-
ing toURL or toURI , respectively.
The overriding method File.equals deserves mention. Two File objects
are considered equal if they have the same path, not if they refer to
the same underlying file system object. You cannot use File.equals to
test whether two File objects denote the same file. For example, two
File objects may refer to the same file but use different relative paths to
refer to it, in which case they do not compare equal. Relatedly, you can
compare two files using the compareTo method, which returns a number
less than, equal to, or greater than zero as the current file's pathname
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