Java Reference
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truncated and new data added. If the file does not exist, the file will be
created and the boolean will be ignored.
The byte File streams also provide a getChannel method for integration
with the java.nio facilities. It returns a java.nio.channels.FileChannel ob-
ject for accessing the file.
A FileDescriptor object represents a system-dependent value that de-
scribes an open file. You can get a file descriptor object by invoking
getFD on a File byte streamyou cannot obtain the file descriptor from
File character streams. You can test the validity of a FileDescriptor by
invoking its boolean valid methodfile descriptors created directly with
the no-arg constructor of FileDescriptor are not valid.
FileDescriptor objects create a new File stream to the same file as an-
other stream without needing to know the file's pathname. You must be
careful to avoid unexpected interactions between two streams doing dif-
ferent things with the same file. You cannot predict what happens, for
example, when two threads write to the same file using two different
FileOutputStream objects at the same time.
The flush method of FileOutputStream and FileWriter guarantees that the
buffer is flushed to the underlying file. It does not guarantee that the
data is committed to diskthe underlying file system may do its own buf-
fering. You can guarantee that the data is committed to disk by invok-
ing the sync method on the file's FileDescriptor object, which will either
force the data to disk or throw a SyncFailedException if the underlying
system cannot fulfill this contract.
20.7.2. RandomAccessFile
The RandomAccessFile class provides a more sophisticated file mechanism
than the File streams do. A random access file behaves like a large ar-
ray of bytes stored in the file system. There is a kind of cursor, or index
into the implied array, called the file pointer; input operations read bytes
starting at the file pointer and advance the file pointer past the bytes
read. If the random access file is created in read/write mode, then out-
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