Java Reference
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This program creates a FileReader named fileIn to read from the named
file and then inserts a LineNumberReader , named in , before it. LineNumber-
Reader objects get their characters from the reader they are attached to,
keeping track of line numbers as they read. The getLineNumber method
returns the current line number; by default, lines are counted starting
from zero. When this program is run on itself looking for the letter 'I' ,
its output is
'I' at line 4
You can set the current line number with setLineNumber . This could be
useful, for example, if you have a file that contains several sections of
information. You could use setLineNumber to reset the line number to 1 at
the start of each section so that problems would be reported to the user
based on the line numbers within the section instead of within the file.
LineNumberReader is a BufferedReader that has two constructors: One takes
a reference to the wrapped stream and the size of the buffer to use,
while the other only takes a reference to the wrapped stream and uses
a default buffer size.
Exercise 20.5 : Write a program that reads a specified file and searches
for a specified word, printing each line number and line in which the
word is found.
20.5.10. SequenceInputStream
The SequenceInputStream class creates a single input stream from reading
one or more byte input streams, reading the first stream until its end
of input and then reading the next one, and so on through the last one.
SequenceInputStream has two constructors: one for the common case of
two input streams that are provided as the two parameters to the con-
structor, and the other for an arbitrary number of input streams using
the Enumeration abstraction (described in " Enumeration " on page 617 ) .
Enumeration is an interface that provides an ordered iteration through a
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