Java Reference
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Writer also implements the java.lang.Appendable interfacesee page 332 .
The append(charc) method is equivalent to write(c) ; the append methods
that take a CharSequence are equivalent to passing the String represent-
ations of the CharSequence objects to the write(Stringstr) method.
20.3.3. Character Streams and the Standard Streams
The standard streams , System.out , and System.err existed be-
fore the character streams were invented, so these streams are byte
streams even though logically they should be character streams. This
situation creates some anomalies. It is impossible, for example, to re-
place with a LineNumberReader to keep track of the standard in-
put stream's current line number. By attaching an InputStreamReader an
object that converts a byte input stream to a character input streamto , you can create a LineNumberReader object to keep track of the
current line number (see " LineNumberReader " on page 527 ). But Sys- is an InputStream , so you cannot replace it with a LineNumberReader ,
which is a type of Reader , not an InputStream .
System.out and System.err are PrintStream objects. PrintStream has been
replaced by its equivalent character-based version PrintWriter . Gener-
ally, you should avoid creating PrintStream objects directly. You'll learn
about the Print stream classes in Section 20.5.8 on page 525 .
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