Java Reference
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read because the end of the stream was found, 1 is returned.
This is equivalent to reading into an array that has the same
length as the buffer has available capacity, and then copying
the array into the buffer. This method is defined in the
java.lang.Readable interface, and has no counterpart in In-
putStream .
public long skip(long count) throws IOException
Skips as many as count characters of input or until the end of
the stream is found. Returns the actual number of characters
skipped. The value of count must not be negative.
public boolean ready() tHRows IOException
Returns TRue if the stream is ready to read; that is, there is
at least one character available to be read. Note that a return
value of false does not guarantee that the next invocation of
read will block because data could have become available by
the time the invocation occurs.
public abstract void close() throws IOException
Closes the stream. This method should be invoked to release
any resources (such as file descriptors) associated with the
stream. Once a stream has been closed, further operations
on the stream will throw an IOException . Closing a previously
closed stream has no effect.
The implementation of Reader requires that a subclass provide an imple-
mentation of both the read method that reads into a char array, and the
close method. Many subclasses will be able to improve performance if
they also override some of the other methods.
There are a number of differences between Reader and InputStream . With
Reader the fundamental reading method reads into a char array and the
other read methods are defined in terms of this method. In contrast
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