Java Reference
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1.13. Generic Types
Classes and interfaces can be declared to be generic types. A generic
class or interface represents a family of related types. For example, in
interface List<T> {
// ... methods of List ...
List<T> (read as "list of T ") declares a generic list that can be used for
any non-primitive type T . You could use such a declaration to have a list
of Point objects ( List<Point> ), a list of String objects ( List<String> ), a list
of Integer objects ( List<Integer> ), and so on. In contrast to a raw List ,
which can hold any kind of Object , a List<String> is known to hold only
String objects, and this fact is guaranteed at compile timeif you try to
add a plain Object , for example, you'll get a compile-time error.
Consider the Lookup interface from the previous section, it could be de-
clared in a generic form:
interface Lookup<T> {
T find(String name);
Now, rather than returning Object , the find method returns a T , whatever
T may be. We could then declare a class for looking up integers, for ex-
class IntegerLookup implements Lookup<Integer> {
private String[] names;
private Integer[] values;
public Integer find(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
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