Java Reference
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good idea to declare all exceptions in the throws clause whether or not
they are required, and the same is true when you're using @tHRows tags.
For example, suppose that your method checks its parameters to ensure
that none is null , tHRowing NullPointerException if it finds a null argu-
ment. You should declare NullPointerException in your tHRows clause and
your @tHRows tags.
@throws UnknownName The name is unknown.
Reading the input stream failed; this exception
is passed through from the input stream.
@throws NullPointerException
The name is <code>null</code>.
The tag @exception is equivalent to @throws .
19.2.6. @deprecated
The @deprecated tag marks an identifier as being deprecated: unfit for
continued use. Code using a deprecated type, constructor, method, or
field may generate a warning when compiled. You should ensure that
the deprecated entity continues working so that you don't break exist-
ing code that hasn't yet been updated. Deprecation helps you encour-
age users of your code to update to the latest version but preserves the
integrity of existing code. Users can shift to newer mechanisms when
they choose to instead of being forced to shift as soon as you release a
new version of your types. You should direct users to a replacement for
deprecated entities:
* Do what the invoker intends. "Intention" is defined by
* an analysis of past behavior as described in ISO 4074-6.
* @deprecated You should use dwishm instead
* @see #dwishm
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