Java Reference
In-Depth Information
19.2.3. @param
The @param tag documents a single parameter to a method or construct-
or, or else a type parameter in a class, interface, or generic meth-
od. If you use @param tags you should have one for each parameter of
the method. The first word of the paragraph is taken as the parameter
name, and the rest is its description:
@param max The maximum number of words to read.
When documenting type parameters you should use < and > around the
type parameter name:
@param <E> The element type of this List
Usually, though, type parameters don't require explicit documentation
since their meaning is obvious.
19.2.4. @return
The @return tag documents the return value of a method:
@return The number of words actually read.
19.2.5. @throws and @exception
The @tHRows tag documents an exception thrown by the method or con-
structor. If you use @tHRows tags you should have one for each type of
exception the method throws. This list often includes more than just
the checked exceptions that must be declared in the throws clauseit is a
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