Java Reference
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The @see forms that name a language entity (any of the above forms ex-
cept the last two) can have a label following the entity. This label name
will be the one used in the generated documentation instead of the en-
tity's name. For example,
@see #getName Attribute Names
will create a link to the documentation of getName but will display the text
"AttributeNames" not "getName" . You should usually let the actual member
name be used, but occasionally you may find this feature useful.
19.2.2. {@link} and {@linkplain}
The @see tag is useful for a "See also" section at the end of the docu-
mentation. You can embed an {@link} in-line tag in your text when the
cross reference should belong in the text of your comment. The syntax
for @link is
{@link package.class # member [label] }
The identifier specification is the same as for @see , as is the optional la-
bel . The following sentence embeds a link to the getValue method:
Changes the value returned by calls to {@link #getValue}.
The {@linkplain} tag acts just like {@link} except that the generated text
uses a plain font rather code font. This is useful for replacing the link
with a label that consists of plain text.
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