Java Reference
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of parameters. You can specify an interface or class that is in the current
package by its unqualified name, but you must specify types from other
packages with fully qualified names. You specify members of types by a
# before the member name. The following are all potentially valid @see
@see #getName
@see Attr
@see com.magic.attr.Attr
@see com.magic.attr.Deck#DECK_SIZE
@see com.magic.attr.Attr#getName
@see com.magic.attr.Attr#Attr(String)
@see com.magic.attr.Attr#Attr(String, Object)
@see com.magic.attr
@see <a href="spec.html#attr">Attribute Specification</a>
@see "The Java Developer's Almanac"
The first form refers to the method getName in the same class or interface
as the doc comment itself, or in any enclosing class or interface; the
same syntax can be used for constructors and fields. The second form
refers to a class in the current package or an imported package. The
third refers to a class by its fully qualified name.
The next four @see forms refer to members. The first two show forms for
a field (DECK_SIZE ) or method ( getName ). We can simply use the name of a
method because exactly one getName method is defined in the Attr class.
The next two forms refer to constructors of the Attr class, one that takes
a String argument and another that takes a String and an Object . When
a constructor or method is overloaded you must specify the arguments
of the one you mean.
The next @see form directs readers to a specific package: com.magic.attr .
The final two forms allow you to reference other documentation. The
first defines a link using <a...> . The second uses quotes to enclose the
name of the document. You might use these to direct readers to other
documentation, such as the full specification.
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