Java Reference
In-Depth Information
19.2. Tags
Doc comments can contain tags that hold particular kinds of information.
Tags come in two forms:
Block tags define stand-alone text elements. All these tags start
with @ , as in @see or @deprecated . These paragraphs are treated spe-
cially in the generated documentation, resulting in marked para-
graphs, links to other documentation, and other special treatment.
This section describes all tags except @serial , @serialData , and
@serialField , which relate to object serialization and are described
in " The Object Byte Streams " on page 549 .
In-line tags can occur anywhere within the text of a documentation
comment and are used to apply special formatting, such as {@code}
for use of code font, or to produce special text, such as creating a
hypertext link using {@link} . In-line tags all have the form {@ tag-
name args } where the optional args value might provide text to be
formatted or the target of the link, for example.
Except for tagged paragraphs and in-line tags, text in a doc comment is
treated as input text for HTML . You can create paragraph breaks in the
documentation with the standard <p> tag, blocks of example code using
<pre> , and so on.
Not all tags need be processed by the javadoc tool by default; consult
your tool documentation for details on what is needed to process which
19.2.1. @see
The @see tag creates a cross-reference link to other javadoc document-
ation. You can name any identifier, although you must qualify it suffi-
ciently. You can, for example, usually name a member of a class with
its simple name. However, if the member is an overloaded method, you
must specify which overload of the method you mean by listing the types
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