Java Reference
In-Depth Information
19.1. The Anatomy of a Doc Comment
Doc comments start with the three characters /** and continue until the
next */ . Each doc comment describes the identifier whose declaration
immediately follows. Leading * characters are ignored on doc comment
lines, as are whitespace characters preceding a leading * . The first sen-
tence of the comment is the summary for the identifier; "sentence"
means all text up to the first period with following whitespace. Consider
the doc comment:
* Do what the invoker intends. "Intention" is defined by
* an analysis of past behavior as described in ISO 4074-6.
public void dwim() throws IntentUnknownException;
The summary for the method dwim will be "Do what the invoker intends."
Your first sentence in a doc comment should be a good summary.
HTML tags are often embedded in doc comments as formatting directives
or cross-reference links to other documentation. You can use almost any
standard HTML tag. Be careful when using the header tags <h1> , <h2 >, and
so on, because they can disrupt the structure of the overall documenta-
tionhowever, they are usually safe to use within class and package docu-
mentation. To insert the character < , > , or & you should use &lt; , &gt; , or
&amp; , respectively. If you must have an @ at the beginning of a line, use
&#064; otherwise, an @ is assumed to start a doc comment tag.
Only doc comments that immediately precede a class, interface, method,
or field are processed. If anything besides whitespace, comments, or an-
notations are between a doc comment and what it describes, the doc
comment will be ignored. For example, if you put a doc comment at the
top of a file with a package or import statement between the doc comment
and the class , the doc comment will not be used. Doc comments apply to
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