Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public String getImplementationTitle()
Returns the title of the implementation provided by this pack-
age, or null if the title is unknown.
public String getImplementationVersion()
Returns a string describing the version of the implementation
provided by this package, or null if the version is unknown.
public String getImplementationVendor()
Returns the name of the organization (vendor) that provided
this implementation, or null if the organization is unknown.
For example, extracting this information for the java.lang package on
our system yielded the following: [4]
[4] Yes the 1.4 specification version is a bug
Specification Title: Java Platform API Specification
Specification Version: 1.4
Specification Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Implementation Title: Java Runtime Environment
Implementation Version: 1.5.0_02
Implementation Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Specification version numbers are non-negative numbers separated by
periods, as in "2.0" or "11.0.12" . This pattern allows you to invoke the
isCompatibleWith method to compare a version following this pattern with
the version of the package. The method returns true if the package's
specification version number is greater than or equal to the one passed
in. Comparison is done one dot-separated number at a time. If any such
value in the package's number is less than the one from the passed
in version, the versions are not compatible. If one of the version num-
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