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Type imports can also be used with nested class names. For example,
in Chapter 5 we defined the BankAcount class and its nested Permissions
class. If these classes were in the package bank and you imported
bank.BankAccount , you would still need to use BankAccount.Permissions
to name the Permissions class. However, you could instead import
bank.BankAccount.Permissions and then use the simple name Permissions .
You don't have to import BankAccount to import the class BankAc-
count.Permissions . Importing nested type names in this way should gen-
erally be avoided because it loses the important information that the
type is actually a nested type.
Static nested types can be imported using either the type import mech-
anism or the static import mechanism. If you insist on importing nested
types, then you should use the type import mechanism for consistency.
The package and import mechanisms give programmers control over po-
tentially conflicting names. If a package used for another purpose, such
as linguistics, has a class called Attributed for language attributes, pro-
grammers who want to use both types in the same source file have sev-
eral options:
Refer to all types by their fully qualified names, such as at-
tr.Attributed and lingua.Attributed .
Import only attr.Attributed or attr.* , use the simple name At-
tributed for attr.Attributed , and use the full name of lin-
gua.Attributed .
Do the converse: import lingua.Attributed or lingua.* , use the
simple name Attributed for lingua.Attributed , and use the full
name of attr.Attributed .
Import all of both packages attr.* and lingua.* and use the fully
qualified names attr.Attributed and lingua.Attributed in your
code. (If a type with the same name exists in two packages im-
ported on demand, you cannot use the simple name of either
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