Java Reference
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You can get the parent class loader from the method getParent . If the
class loader's parent is the bootstrap class loader, getParent may return
null .
Class loaders are an integral part of the security architecturesee " Se-
curity " on page 677 so creating a class loader and asking for the parent
class loader are checked operations that may throw a SecurityException .
The primary method of ClassLoader is loadClass :
public Class<?> loadClass(String name) tHRows ClassNotFoundException
Returns the Class object for the class with the specified binary
name, loading the class if necessary. If the class cannot be
loaded you will get a ClassNotFoundException .
The default implementation of loadClass , which is not usually overridden,
attempts to load a class as follows:
1. It checks to see if the class has already been loaded by invoking
findLoadedClass . ClassLoader maintains a table of Class objects for
all the classes loaded by the current class loader. If a class has
been previously loaded findLoadedClass will return the existing
Class object.
2. If the class has not been loaded it invokes loadClass on the parent
class loader. If the current class loader does not have a parent,
the bootstrap class loader is used.
3. If the class still has not been loaded, findClass is invoked to locate
and load the class.
Note that the parent class loader is always given the chance to load the
class first; only if the bootstrap loader and the system class loader fail
to load a given class will your custom class loader be given the oppor-
tunity to do so. The implication is that your custom class loader must
search for classes in places that are different from those searched by
the system or bootstrap class loaders.
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