Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Returns the Constructor object (discussed shortly) for the con-
structor in which this local or anonymous inner class was de-
clared. If this isn't a local or anonymous inner class declared
in a constructor, then null is returned.
public Method getEnclosingMethod()
Returns the Method object (discussed shortly) for the method
in which this local or anonymous inner class was declared. If
this isn't a local or anonymous inner class declared in a meth-
od, then null is returned.
Exercise 16.1 : Modify TypeDesc to skip printing anything for the Object
class. It is redundant because everything ultimately extends it. Use the
reference for the Class object for the Object type.
Exercise 16.2 : Modify TypeDesc to show whether the named type is a
nested type, and if so, what other type it is nested within.
16.1.3. Examining Class Members
The Class class contains a set of methods you can use to examine the
class's components: its fields, methods, constructors, and nested types.
Special types are defined to represent each of these, which you will learn
about in detail in later sections: Field objects for fields, Method objects
for methods, Constructor objects for constructors, and for nested types,
the Class objects you have already seen.
These methods come in four variants depending on whether you want
all members or a particular member, only public members or any mem-
bers, only members declared in the current class or inherited members
as well.
You can request all the public members of a specific kind that are either
declared in the class (interface) or inherited, by using one of the follow-
ing: [2]
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