Java Reference
In-Depth Information
14.14. Debugging Threads
A few THRead methods are designed to help you debug a multithreaded
application. These print-style debugging aids can be used to print the
state of an application. You can invoke the following methods on a THRead
object to help you debug your threads:
public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the thread, including its
name, its priority, and the name of its thread group.
public long getId()
Returns a positive value that uniquely identifies this thread
while it is alive.
public Thread.State getState()
Returns the current state of this thread. Thread.State is a nes-
ted enum that defines the constants: NEW , RUNNABLE , BLOCKED ,
WAITING , TIMED_WAITING , and TERMINATED . A newly created thread
has state NEW , until it is started, at which time it becomes
RUNNABLE until it terminates and becomes TERMINATED . While a
thread is runnable, but before it terminates it can switch
between being RUNNABLE and being BLOCKED (such as acquiring a
monitor lock), WAITING (having invoked wait ), or TIMED_WAITING
(having invoked a timed version of wait ).
public static void dumpStack()
Prints a stack trace for the current thread on System.err .
There are also debugging aids to track the state of a thread group. You
can invoke the following methods on ThreadGroup objects to print their
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