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this.y = y;
The move method uses this to clarify which x and y are being referred
to. Naming the parameters x and y is reasonable, because you pass x
and y coordinates to the method. But then those parameters have the
same names as the fields, and therefore the parameter names hide the
field names. If we simply wrote x= x we would assign the value of the x
parameter to itself, not to the x field as required. The expression this.x
refers to the object's x field, not the x parameter of move .
Exercise 1.8 : Add a method to the Point class that sets the current ob-
ject's coordinates to those of a passed in Point object.
1.8.3. Static or Class Methods
Just as you can have per-class static fields, you can also have per-class
static methods, often known as class methods. Class methods are usu-
ally intended to do operations specific to the class itself, usually on static
fields and not on specific instances of that class. Class methods are de-
clared using the static keyword and are therefore also known as static
As with the term "field", the word "method" generally means a per-ob-
ject method, although the term non-static method is sometimes used
for clarity.
Why would you need static methods? Consider the Sony Walkman fact-
ory again. The record of the next serial number to be assigned is held in
the factory, not in every Walkman. A method that returned the factory's
copy of the next available serial number would be a static method, not
a method to operate on specific Walkman objects.
The implementation of distance in the previous example uses the static
method Math.sqrt to calculate a square root. The Math class supports
many methods that are useful for general mathematical manipulation.
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