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closed inner objects. An inner class that needs to synchronize with its
enclosing object must do so explicitly and a synchronized statement is
a perfect toolthe alternative is to declare a synchronized method in the
enclosing class just for the inner class to use.
If you need a synchronized statement to use the same lock used by static
synchronized methods, you can use the class literal for your class (see
example below). This also applies if you need to protect access to static
data from within non-static code. For example, consider the Body class.
It maintains a static field, nextID , to hold the next identifier for a new
Body object. That field is accessed in the Body class's no-arg constructor.
If Body objects were created concurrently, interference could occur when
the nextID field is updated. To prevent that from happening you can use
a synchronized statement within the Body constructor that uses the lock
of the Body.class object:
Body() {
synchronized (Body.class) {
idNum = nextID++;
The synchronized statement in the constructor acquires the lock of the
Class object for Body in the same way a synchronized static method of the
class would. Synchronizing on this would use a different object for each
invocation and so would not prevent threads from accessing nextID con-
currently. It would also be wrong to use the Object method getClass to
retrieve the Class object for the current instance: In an extended class,
such as AttributedBody , that would return the Class object for Attrib-
utedBody not Body , and so again, different locks would be used and inter-
ference would not be prevented. The simplest rule is to always protect
access to static data using the lock of the Class object for the class in
which the static data was declared.
In many cases, instead of using a synchronized statement you can factor
the code to be protected into a synchronized method of its own. You'll
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