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so can be invoked indiscriminately by anyone with access to your ob-
jectsomething you usually don't desire. For example, we definitely don't
want clients to invoke the run method of PrintServer . One solution is to
use Thread.currentThread to establish the identity of the thread that in-
vokes run and to compare it with the intended worker thread. But a sim-
pler solution is not to implement Runnable , but to define an inner Runnable
object. For example, we can rewrite PrintServer as follows:
class PrintServer2 {
private final PrintQueue requests = new PrintQueue();
public PrintServer2() {
Runnable service = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new Thread(service).start();
public void print(PrintJob job) {
private void realPrint(PrintJob job) {
// do the real work of printing
The run method is exactly the same as before, but now it is part of an
anonymous inner class that implements Runnable . When the thread is
created we pass service as the Runnable to execute. Now the work to be
performed by the thread is completely private and can't be misused.
Using Runnable objects you can create very flexible multithreaded
designs. Each Runnable becomes a unit of work and each can be passed
around from one part of the system to another. We can store Runnable
objects in a queue and have a pool of worker threads servicing the work
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