Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public void run() {
try {
for (;;) {
System.out.print(word + " ");
Thread.sleep(delay); // wait until next time
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return; // end this thread
public static void main(String[] args) {
new PingPong("ping", 33).start(); // 1/30 second
new PingPong("PONG", 100).start(); // 1/10 second
We define a type of thread called PingPong . Its run method loops forever,
printing its word field and sleeping for delay milliseconds.
cannot throw exceptions because , which it overrides, doesn't
throw any exceptions. Accordingly, we must catch the InterruptedExcep-
tion that sleep can throw (more on InterruptedException later).
Now we can create some working threads, and PingPong.main does just
that. It creates two PingPong objects, each with its own word and delay
cycle, and invokes each thread object's start method. Now the threads
are off and running. Here is some example output:
ping PONG ping ping PONG ping ping ping PONG ping
ping PONG ping ping ping PONG ping ping PONG ping
ping ping PONG ping ping PONG ping ping ping PONG
ping ping PONG ping ping ping PONG ping ping PONG
ping ping ping PONG ping ping PONG ping ping ping
PONG ping ping PONG ping ping ping PONG ping ping ...
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