Java Reference
In-Depth Information
1.7. Classes and Objects
The Java programming language, like many object-oriented program-
ming languages, provides a tool to solve programming problems using
the notions of classes and objects. Every object has a class that defines
its data and behavior. Each class has three kinds of members:
Fields are data variables associated with a class and its objects.
Fields store results of computations performed by the class.
Methods contain the executable code of a class. Methods are built
from statements. The way in which methods are invoked, and the
statements contained within those methods, are what ultimately
directs program execution.
Classes and interfaces can be members of other classes or inter-
faces (you will learn about interfaces soon).
Here is the declaration of a simple class that might represent a point on
a two-dimensional plane:
class Point {
public double x, y;
This Point class has two fields representing the x and y coordinates of a
point and has (as yet) no methods. A class declaration like this one is,
conceptually, a plan that defines what objects manufactured from that
class look like, plus sets of instructions that define the behavior of those
Members of a class can have various levels of visibility or accessibility.
The public declaration of x and y in the Point class means that any code
with access to a Point object can read and modify those fields. Other
levels of accessibility limit member access to code in the class itself or to
other related classes.
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